“Today I’m going to fall in lovewith the way I belong to myself.”
Victoria Erickson
Do you remember when you fell in love? Really, really in love? The this-is-the-one kind of love?
Maybe it was
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Respecting the Dignity
“Will you strive for justice and peace among all people, and respect the dignity of every human being?” “I will with God’s help.” The Great Vigil of Easter, Book of Common Prayer As a cradle Episcopalian, I’ve heard those words at least once a year and given the answer just as many times. They also
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What is Your Weird?
“We’re all weird … our individuality lies in our weirdness, so we might as well be our weird.” Jennifer Leigh Selig, Deep Creativity Whenever I hear the word “weird,” I’m immediately taken back to a conversation between my mother and a four-year-old named Wendy. It went like this: Mu (that was what I called my
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Who Is the Not-You?
“God is not found in the soul by adding anything, but by a process of subtraction.” Meister Eckhart Or, in terms more blunt … “It ain’t what they call you. It’s what you answer to.” W.C. Fields If both a 14th Century mystic/prophet/philosopher/preacher theologian and a 20th Century actor/comedian, juggler/writer both said it, there
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A Journey Without a Map
“How can I become the adventurer instead of the timid mapmaker?” our own Abigail Horgash I met the now twenty-something Abigail Horgash when she was just a teenager. She attended a writers’ conference where I was teaching, dressed to the nines (she was, not I!) in heels and a suit and conducting herself with far
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Pretend You Know Nothing
“In the beginner’s mind there are many possibilities, in the expert’s mind there are few.”Shunryu Suzuki I may be running a risk in quoting from Zen Buddhism in this group! If you stick around here, you’ll find that I know a Universal Christ which doesn’t disregard the wisdom of other paths, even as I continue
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Your Great Charm
“Just trust Life:Life will bring you high,if only you are careful in selectingin the maze of events, those influences or those pathswhich can bring you each timea little more upward.” Pierre Teihard De Chardinscientist-philosopher-poet-priest I’m an easy touch for anybody who has a labyrinth for sale. We’re talking necklaces, earrings, one small enough to hold
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