“Happy are they who find their homeIn the kingdom of what is.”
Psalm 2, as interpreted by Norman Fischer in OPENING TO YOU
Do you ever look back at your really young youth and long for the
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Staying On the Line
“I believe that prayer without meditation is like hanging up on God before God can speak.” Julia Cameron, The Listening Path “But meditation is dangerous. If you empty your mind, you’re making room for Satan to take over without you even knowing it.” That’s a statement I’ve heard in various forms from my fellow Christians,
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Making Matcha
“Solitude isn’t loneliness.Solitude is when the entire sereneuniverse seems to surround andhold you quietly.” Victoria Erickson I’ve been what my mother called “a tea granny” since I was twelve years old. Back then it was weak (as in I barely introduced the bag to the cup before I yanked it out) and loaded with sugar,
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How Do We KNOW?
“We cannot know just by going to church, reading Scripture or listening to someone else talk about it.” Richard Rohr, Jesus’ Alternative Plan In 2022 when I was getting ready for my once-in-a-lifetime trip to Ireland, anyone I talked to who had been there immediately launched into a description of how amazing it was. Some
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Fortified with Love
“Let’s see what love does.” Sister Julienne, Call the Midwife I’m a devoted fan of the midwives of (the fictitious version of) Nonnatus House in East London. I even own a book … okay, two books about the series and its wisdom. Whenever I watch an episode, for, like, the fifteenth time, I keep a
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Sharing Your Roots
“This hour I tell things in confidence, I might not tell everybody, but I will tell you.” Walt Whitman, Song of Myself If you’ve known me for ten minutes, you know that my favorite word, my deepest longing, my overarching core value is authenticity. In fact, this very journey we’re on is in some way,
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The Search Party
“It was neither preaching nor praying that made a better person of me, but one or two people who believed in me better than I deserved, and I hated to disappoint them.” Owen Wister, American Writer/HistorianAuthor of The Virginian We’ve talked about our individual journeys as private, inward undertakings. We’re traveling together but our thoughts
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